

Bachrach, a chain of men's stores, has been around since 1877. But in 2012 they were struggling to find an identity. You can tell it was a challenge for them because even the store in 1877 had two different logos on respective facades of their store, which Bachrach's was I going into? That question persisted right up to today.




When we started with them they had retreated to a neutral look that felt more generic than it did a brand that a man would be proud to wear.


When we presented the new mark it was more of a brain dump. But one with a plan. How many times have you heard in a meeting like this, “did you look at doing it _______ way?” This presentation stepped them through all “ways” we looked at the problem and that drove the process to a seemingly inevitable conclusion.


The advertising took the stand that tapped into our core consumers psyche. Sure it helped to be well-dressed but in the end I’m the reason.
I’m the man that get’s the job, the girl. It fed their ego and created a fresh idea in the fashion world, (which is no small feat in itself).
